How to install and use package control in sublime text 3

Package Control is the Sublime text package manager with which we can easily search and install thousands of packages thus extending sublime text functionality.

Since Sublime text is cross platform so these instruction will work with all Operating Systems: Linux, Windows and OS X.

Steps: Installation

1. Open up your Console in Sublime text via Ctrl + ` shortcut or view > Show Console

2. Visit and copy the python script from there depending on your Sublime text version (2 or 3)

screenshot from the website

3. Paste the copied script in the console and press Enter, wait a few seconds for it to be installed.

4. Restart Sublime text, i.e.  just close and reopen it again.

How to install any package with Package Control?

1. use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + p to open the command palette.

2. type install and click on Package Control: Install Package from the list. wait 2-3 seconds for the repository to load.

3. Search for your package of choice and click on the result (emmet package in this example).

your package will be installed in a few seconds, you can see the status in the left bottom corner of the windows.

Here is a video to make things super clear!

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