How to Install wysiwyg editor in your django project

with django-wysiwyg, you get different rich html text editors, making it easier to write article posts.
It supports TinyMCE, CKEditor, Redactor, Froala, yui and more

Follow the below steps to setup django-wysiwyg in your django project.

1. Install django-wysiwyg

pip install django-wysiwyg

2. Install you editor of choice. I will be installing ckeditor (you can install anyone of your choice)

pip install django-ckeditor

3. Now, add them in Installed app in like shown below.


4. and also add the following line in


5. In your template add these lines where you would like the wysiwyg editor to appear.

{% load wysiwyg %}
{% wysiwyg_setup %}

<textarea id="foo"></textarea>

{% wysiwyg_editor "foo" %}


you can also add wysiwyg editor to django admin, follow these steps

Tip: In CKEditor every line you type gets wrapped around a p tag automatically. To disable it
 add this line in your ckeditor config.js file

config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;

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