There are several ways you can comment and uncomment a range of lines in vim editor.
Method I (easiest)
Step 1: Make sure your are in command mode by pressing Esc key
Step2: Move your cusor to the start of the starting line of the block that you want to comment out
wait a sec and it’s done!
Method II
In this method we use substitution to comment out lines.
The first two steps are the same as ‘Method I’.
Step 1: Make sure you are in command mode
Step 2:. Goto the first line you want to comment
press Ctrl+v
and now go down to the last line you wanna comment
Step 3: type :s/^/# for commenting with #
type :s/^/// for commenting with // (we are simply placing a backslash to each since its a special character.)
Note: ‘^‘ is a special search character for the start of the line.
We can uncomment simply by selecting the commenting characters like # or // and delete them with the x or d key.
Make sure you are in command mode by Pressing the Esc key.
Step 1: Goto to the first line you want to un-comment and press Ctrl+v then press down arrow key to the last line you wanna un-comment. if the comment symbol is more than one character like a ‘//’ then move the cursor to the left/right selecting all the symbols.
Step 2: hit x or d
Here is a video that will explain everything better!