HCF is also called Greatest Common divisor (GCD).the HCF of two or more number is the largest of all the common factors. for example:if we take two numbers, 12 and 18their common divisor are 1,2,3 and 6. therefore 6 being…
Passing argument from Command-line in Python
Sometimes it’s required to use arguments passed from cli to use in our program. Its very simple to do so.. we just need to use sys module’s argv method. import sysprint(sys.argv[1])print(sys.argv[2]) Note that using sys.argv[0] will just give program.py, which is in…
How to install and use package control in sublime text 3
Package Control is the Sublime text package manager with which we can easily search and install thousands of packages thus extending sublime text functionality. Since Sublime text is cross platform so these instruction will work with all Operating Systems: Linux,…
Responsive Iframe / youtube videos embed with Bootstrap
Hi guys, today we will see how to make iframe videos responsive using bootstrap framework. Since the embed code for a youtube video is a iframe code, this is work for youtube videos too. Have a look at this bootstrap…
How to Install Sublime text 3 in ubuntu / linux mint
Sublime text is a powerful text editor that is available for almost all platforms. It is one of the best text editor for linux and I personally prefer it. It has thousands of packages which add up to its functionalities.…
Use Bluetooth Headphone or Speaker on Ubuntu 16.04 [Solved]
I recently got a soundbot wireless portable speaker, which is by the way really great! but It had some issues making it work with ubuntu. After pairing it was working with Headset Head unit (HSP/HFP) which produced a really bad audio…
Install latest Node.js version in ubuntu 20.04
Node.js is an opensource JavaScript based framework for server-side scripting. Ubuntu Repository has the older version of node.js To get the updated version you need to install node.js using the PPA by provided by NodeSource. for 14.x versions (LTS…
How to Add / Append items to a list in Python
To add items to a list in python is a very general task that you might come across. Here we have an empty list that we are populating with 10 items using the append method. n = 10list = []for…
Set Permissions to add files to /var/www folder in ubuntu linux
/var/www is the default root folder of your local web server (like apache), you host all your website files here and access it on the browser with url like or http://localhost you cannot simply copy paste stuff in this…
How to install python-gst (pygst) in ubuntu 16.04
pygst is the python binding of Gstreamer which is a media-framework, it supports various media handling such as audio playback, video playback and editing. Installation open up the terminal and enter the following commands sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install python-gst-1.0sudo…