Sometimes you are required to place files like sitemaps or other files in the root location. Specially while using Web frameworks like Django or anything else, It can be bit tricky to do so within the framework.. So this method…
How to Install and use FFmpeg in Ubuntu 16.04
FFmpeg is a command line tool for video and audio conversion. It can also capture from a live audio or video source. It is cross-platform, available for Linux, Mac OS X, windows and more Install ffmpeg in Ubuntu by entering…
Merge Sort Program in Python
We will look at the Merge Sort Algorithm which is used to sort an unsorted list. The input list is divided into two parts and they are solved recursively and then they are merged. Worst Case Time Complexity: O(n log…
Install guvcview (webcam recorder) in ubuntu 16.04 / Linux Mint
Guvcview is a webcam recorder software for Linux. Its the best recorder I have come so far.Its simple and uses less resources compared to other webcam applications like Cheese or KDE Kamoso. It has a two window interface one for…
Python Program to Generate Fibonacci Series using Recursion
Fibonacci Series: A sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. First 10 Fibonacci numbers: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,… In the following python program we have used recursive function to find out the Fibonacci series up…
Understand Python Dictionary (key-value pair / Hash Map)
This tutorial is about Python dictionary which is data-structure representing key-value pairs, you can also call it a HashMap. One of the very common use of hashmap is finding frequency of characters in a string Basically a dictionary is like…
Python Program to find frequency of Characters in a String
We will find the count of repeating characters in a string using python3. Here we have used dictionary data structure to make a key-value pair for all alphabets and numbers, where the key is the alphabet or number and value…
Python Program for Linear Search using For loop
In linear search algorithm we match the element to be searched with the entire list of elements. Therefore its a brute force approach. time complexity: O(n) Linear Search implementation in Python: list_of_elements = [4, 2, 8, 9, 3, 7]x =…
Python Program to Convert Decimal to Binary
Using Loop To convert Decimal to binary we check if the number is divisible by 2, if yes then we take a string and append 0 to and and if not then append 1 to it and divide the number…
Create a Simple FTP Server and Client in Python
FTP stands for File transfer protocol, it’s used to transfer files between server and client. Here we will see how to make a simple FTP server in python and we will do some basic example tasks like listing directories of…