We all know how boring it can be to start the django development server each time. entering the same commands over and over. The good news is that you can write a simple shell script to do so. and after…
How to upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04
Ubuntu 18.04 aka Bionic Beaver was released on 26 April this year. This is a LTS (Long Term Support) Release. It was one of the most awaited release version. In this tutorial we will see how to upgrade ubuntu 16.04…
How to Install Gummi LaTex editor for Ubuntu 18.04 / 16.04
Gummi is a Latex Editor. it is available for both Linux and Windows platform. Gummi has a Live preview, unlike command line tools where you need to compile the tex file to product the pdf. It supports insertion of tables…
How to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu / Linux mint [via PPA]
Google Chrome, the most popular browser, is available for Linux. While Chromium, the open source version of chrome is there by default in ubuntu repository, we need to add google chrome source to the repository by ourself. Follow the below…
How to compile and run Java program in Linux / Ubuntu Terminal
Writing a Java program is quite straight forward in Linux systems, no matter what linux distro (Linux Mint / Ubuntu / Debian / Arch Linux) you have, the steps will same except for step 1 which is installation, it may…
Ipython, an alternative Interactive Python interpreter [tutorial]
Ipython is an interactive python shell which can be used as a replacement for your default python interpreter. Install Ipython pip install Ipython Launch Ipython Just enter ipython in your terminal aman@vostro:~$ ipythonPython 3.5.2 (default, Nov 23 2017, 16:37:01) Type…
Rearrange Bootstrap Column Order with Push and Pull Classes
Suppose you have three columns, left-sidebar, main-content, right-sidebar. when the page is opened on small screen size the left-sidebar will be stacked at the top followed by the main-content and right-sidebar. What if you wanted to get the main-content at…
Some Useful Tmux Shortcuts and Cheatsheet
Tmux is a terminal multiplexer. it’s can be used to create several window panes. Create sessions and much more.Tmux is particularly very useful on remote terminals, I like to use Vim as a text-editor with Tmux. Open Tmux tmux Sessions…
Minify JavaScript / CSS with Django Compressor
Django Compressor minifies JavaScript and CSS files. It can combine several inline or linked files into cacheable static files. it also supports uglify wih yuglify compressor Install Django Compressor pip install django_compressor In your settings.py INSTALLED_APPS = ( # Add…
Automatically create OneToOneField in Django
The Django-annoying package contains various useful functions and AutoOneToOneField is one of them. Using AutoOneToOneField a related object is automatically created when the parent object is created. In this example, whenever a new user account is created, a corresponding Profile…