Here we will see how to easily add two numbers in python3 using built-in functions. please run this program with python3. Steps: 1. Take input of the two binary numbers as string using the input function. 2. convert them into…
Category: program
How to compile and run Java program in Linux / Ubuntu Terminal
Writing a Java program is quite straight forward in Linux systems, no matter what linux distro (Linux Mint / Ubuntu / Debian / Arch Linux) you have, the steps will same except for step 1 which is installation, it may…
3 Common ways to Reverse a String in Python
One of the very common problems in any programming language is how to reverse a String. Let’s see a few ways to do this in python. 1. Using String Slicing well first of all the most easy way.. Here we…
Python Program to Check if a number is FIbonacci
In Fibonacci Sequence, every previous two numbers gives the next number. the first 10 Fibonacci numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 35 In this python Program we will see how to test if a number given…
Python Program to check if a number is Perfect Square
A number that can be expressed as the product of two equal integers is a Perfect Square number. for example: 25 can be expressed as 5 x 5 In the given python3 code we take a user input and take…
Python Program to Generate Fibonacci Series using Recursion
Fibonacci Series: A sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. First 10 Fibonacci numbers: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,… In the following python program we have used recursive function to find out the Fibonacci series up…
Python Program to find HCF and LCM
HCF is also called Greatest Common divisor (GCD).the HCF of two or more number is the largest of all the common factors. for example:if we take two numbers, 12 and 18their common divisor are 1,2,3 and 6. therefore 6 being…